Friday, May 28, 2010

Peonies in Milkglass

This must be what this vase was made for!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pyrex Primary Mixing Bowls

My set is complete!
Hubby took pity on me, searching and searching for the elusive RED and the correct shade of Blue. He took us over to St. Jacob's Market and Cambridge over the weekend to do some outlet shopping and antiquing. Walking from stall to stall, we searched for those perfect bowls. Finally found them, but had to buy a whole set to get them! I don't think having some extra Primary bowls will be a hardship, do you?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My First Depression Glass pieces...

This was my first find of Depression Glass. Actually at the time I wasn't even sure that it was real Depression Glass. Salvation Army - I was hunting for some green glass plates, to no avail. I spotted a stack of 5 saucers, 4 teacups and 2 "badly" chipped sherbets - all taped together in one clump. They looked like peach colored glass, were grimy and dull looking. I did not think they could be anything special. At first.
I went home empty handed, but that night I regretted not buying them. They were only $6.99. Even if they weren't anything special, I liked them. So two days later I stopped into Sally Ann's again, and they were still there! I grabbed them and rushed to the cash before I could change my mind. The cashier told me she thought they were pretty, even if they were chipped, and gave me 1/2 price. What a deal. So I stopped by the library on the way home and got a few books out on Depression Glass to set me clear as to what to look for - there was the peach colored set! DOGWOOD, Apple Blossom or Wild Rose, by MacBeth Evans Glass Company, 1929 - 1932. Only it's "Pink" depression glass. Took them home, cleaned them up till they shone, and got to examine them. The 2 sherbets were chipped, one saucer was chipped, but there were 4 perfect teacups and saucers! I was hooked - and now everywhere I go I look for pieces to add to my lovely Dogwood set!

-Thanks for all the encouragement and interest from all of my "cyber" friends. I'm learning so much from all of you and enjoying my new found hobby of collecting vintage glassware. And a special thanks to Mom Wald, for her many kind words and guidance. She's "talked" me through my first Etsy encounter, PayPal and Flickr and is a wonderful inspiration of Friendship!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Start With Depression Glass

Well, it wasn't really Depression Glass that got me started, it was actually Pyrex Festiva Plates in Spring Green...
We had bought a full set of Corelle Chutney for our everyday dishes, and I wanted some salad plates to coordinate with the set. I had seen some pretty green glass plates at our local Zellers store quite some time ago and thought that I would pick some up to coordinate with our dishes. By the time I got around looking, they were no longer available, not even at our Corelle warehouse. A saleslady suggested that I check Ebay for some Depression Glass in Green, as the color was the same. And so it began...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Royal Lace - Hazel Atlas Glass Company 1934-1941

Isn't this a lovely set I came across? Why is it that I manage to find sugars and creamers all over the place - but I can't find the ONE that I need for my favorite set (Dogwood - MacBeth-Evans Glassware Company, 1929-1932)? I'm in search of the "thick" glass Creamer in Pink : if anyone out there has one to spare, please let me know!